Laborers Local Union 108 is part of LIUNA, The Laborers International Union of North America, representing the interest of over 550,000 working people across North America.  Locally Laborers Local Union 108 is part of the Laborers Eastern Region which consists of over 50,000 working men and women in the NY, NJ and DE. That means that Laborers Local Union 108 has the power to get the job done for its members and provides access to secure benefit plans for their contractors and members.

Laborers Local Union 108 has historically represented workers in the private waste collection and recycling industry throughout NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Hudson Valley, New Jersey and Pennsylvania since 1937. In 2007 parts of Local 734 of LIUNA were merged into Laborers Local Union 108 and in 2013 parts of Local 137 were also merged into Local 108. Today we are a diverse local union representing men and women employed in the scrap metal recycling, light manufacturing, warehouse workers, food service workers, professional employees, security guards, cleaners, race track mutuals, parimutuel and sports book tellers. Laborers Local Union 108 has the skills and experience to represent workers in any industry.


Josue Carrero
Josue CarreroBusiness Manager & Secretary Treasurer
Steve Thompson
Steve ThompsonPresident
Ricardo Pesquera
Ricardo PesqueraVice President
Miguel Martinez
Miguel MartinezRecording Secretary
Kajeem Q. Hill
Kajeem Q. HillE-Board / Field Rep / Organizer
William Oberg
William ObergExecutive Board
Calvin Furino
Calvin FurinoSgt. at Arms
Diana Quiñones
Diana QuiñonesAuditor
Jose Bobet
Jose BobetAuditor
Freddy Santana
Freddy SantanaAuditor


Rose HangerAssistant to the Business Manager
Victoria MitchellFunds Administrator